"Character Matters Most"
Dale Murphy
Tu carácter es lo que importa en tu vida lo demas es solo una pesadilla que te mantiene cautivo para siempre ya que no puedes liberarte si algún tienes una oportunidad no la dejes pasar porque
no sabes si se volverá a repetir.
la verdad de todo es que tu caracter habla más de lo que te imaginas por es donde se demuestra la grandeza de tu corazón y la inteligencia con la que caminas para guardar tus pasos para seguir
tu camino que dará un final feliz.
Your character is what matters in your life the rest is just a nightmare that keeps you captive for as long as you can not be free if any have a chance not miss because you do not know if repeated.
the truth of all is that your character speaks more than you imagine it is where the greatness of your heart and intelligence with which you walk is demonstrated to save your steps to follow your way to
the truth of all is that your character speaks more than you imagine it is where the greatness of your heart and intelligence with which you walk is demonstrated to save your steps to follow your way to
give a happy ending.