Friday, March 18, 2016

"Character Matters Most"

"Character Matters Most"
Dale Murphy
Tu carácter es lo que importa en tu vida lo demas es solo una pesadilla que te mantiene cautivo para siempre ya que no puedes liberarte si algún  tienes una oportunidad no la dejes pasar porque
no sabes si se volverá a repetir.
la verdad de todo es que tu caracter habla más de lo que te imaginas  por es donde se demuestra la grandeza de tu corazón y la inteligencia con la que caminas para guardar tus pasos para seguir
tu camino que dará un final feliz.
Your character is what matters in your life the rest is just a nightmare that keeps you captive for as long as you can not be free if any have a chance not miss because you do not know if repeated.
the truth of all is that your character speaks more than you imagine it is where the greatness of your heart and intelligence with which you walk is demonstrated to save your steps to follow your way to
give a happy ending.


Duties and Responsibilities:Pharmacist assist patients with their prescription drug treatment. Pharmaceuticals aim to help patients treat illnesses, manage pain and other symptoms and prevent disease. New drugs are constantly being developed, so pharmacists must stay current on emerging therapies, how they work in the human body and how they interact with other drugs and food. Most pharmacists work in retail pharmacies
Salary: Pharmacist median salary $120,950 USD (2014)
Education: To become a pharmacist, you will need to complete a Doctor of Pharmacy program and obtain a state license. Read on for more information about the requirements for this career. Schools offering Pharmacy Technology degrees can also be found in these popular choices
Demand for this profession: Demand for pharmacy jobs has been high for more than two decades, and it is only expected to continue this growth. Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians dispense medications to patients after being prescribed by physicians, and they provide patients with ongoing support while their medications are being taken. As would be expected, most pharmacy jobs are in pharmacies and drug stores

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

" The Life"

  "La vida"

La vida es un regalo, es lo mas lindo que podemos tener, esl algo que nos da muchas opurtunidades para pasar un buen momento en la que solo pensamos cosas que son de nuestro agrado, y que siempre nos mantendra vivos. Todo lo que pasa en esta vida es por que es un regalo y tienes que dar las grasias, el sol la luna las estrellas son todo lo que nosotros podemos mirar y decir que nuestro mundo es hermoso, todo el universo es tan grande que lo que te imaginas es solo una sierta parte de ti mismo. Todas las maravillas que hay en nuetro mundo muestra toda la grandesa de nuestro planeta.

La vida es muy corta para vivir y contar la gran maravilla que tenemos y que no la disfrutamos, si salieras de tu mundo y miraras a tu alrededor diras que hermoso lugar en el que siempre estado y te sorprenderas tanto que tu vida cambiara por completo.

Friday, March 4, 2016

"In Acting Well"

Student Success Statement 
"In acting well
"Act well your part; there all honor lies."
Resultado de imagen para alexander pope
By Alexander Pope
El honor es algo que se lleva dentro de tu pecho y que te mantiene vivo para poder desir que lo isite
con esfuerso y no con el sudor de otro. El honor puede ser un poco mas confuso de lo que parese a
 simple vista ya que es con lo que puedes levantar un braso y decir lo que en realidad eres y todo el
mundo dira esa es las personas que nesecita nuestro mundo.
El honor es un concepto con diversas valencias, según se tome en una acepción subjetiva (lo que uno siente
como su propio honor) o en su acepción social, como elemento que entra en juego en
las relaciones sociales en muchas civilizaciones.

"Nursing Home Administration"

"Nursing Home Administration"
Duties and Responsibilities:Nursing home administration is a specialized area of medical and health services management. Nursing home administrators work to supervise clinical and administrative affairs of nursing homes and related facilities. Typical duties of nursing home administrators include overseeing staff and personnel, financial matters, medical care, medical supplies, facilities, and other duties as specific positions demand.
Salary: national salary data: $49,504-$113,159
Education:  Nursing home administrators must have a bachelor's degree, and most hold master's degrees in health administration or other relevant fields. Nursing home administrators are involved in the day-to-day aspects of running a long-term care facility, including admitting patients, managing the building, directing staff, budgeting, accounting and financial planning. Their degree programs include business courses as well as instruction on healthcare regulations and ethics.
Resultado de imagen para Nursing home administrator education

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

"Good Quality People"

"Student Success Statement"
Resultado de imagen para george washington
George Washington 
Good quality people
"Associate yourself with men of good
 quality if you esteem your own
 reputation; for this better to be alone
 than in bad company"

I agree with this quote because its truth what it says life you are unhappy with the friends you dont have to continue with them . you can be with people you will take you height place.

"Right is Right Only When Entire"

Student Success Statement 
"Right is right only when entire".
Resultado de imagen para victor hugo
Victor Hugo
Este suceso es muy fuerte para mi.Ya que la vida es
 unsueno y si no la sabes vivir se combertira
 en una pesadia que no acaba en tu vida y te
 mantendra cautivo el resto de toda tu vida.